One PhD position is available in the group of ‘Quantitative biology of
cell division’ in IFOM, Milan. Our group works investigates how cells
react when cell proliferation cannot be completed. We address this topic
at different time-scales, from few hours (using live-cell microscopy and
microfluidic devices) to several weeks (with laboratory evolution
experiments). We focus our attention particularly on the mechanisms of
chromosome segregation, which are altered by drugs routinely used to
treat cancer patients. Our final goal is to uncover mechanisms of
resistance to drug treatment. We use an interdisciplinary approach which
combines molecular and cell biology with mathematical models and data
analysis. Our group hosts scientists from different backgrounds, from
biology to physics and mathematics.
The project is based on a recent publication of ours (Pavani et al, Cell
Reports, 2023), where we showed that cells are able to learn from
multiple rounds of treatment. The candidate will further explore this
research line. The project primarily entails experimental work, and
knowledge of handling mammalian cells is a big plus. The student will be
based in Milan and enrolled in the PhD program at Pazmany Peter Catholic
University. If interested, please send a letter of interest, 2 letters
of recommendation, and grades of your university exams to
Selected candidates will be invited to to spend a trial period in our
lab, before entering the PhD school.